The Rod Of Aaron
In the time of Exodus, God wanted the children of Israel to go out to the land of Egypt unto the Promise land which was the land of Canaan (Israel). But the King of Egypt which was named Pharaoh, would not allowed them. The children of Israel became the servants of Pharaoh and became builders of probably the walls, buildings, towers and somebody believed the great pyramid of Egypt (which has no symbol of Egyptian Hieroglyphics which most of the ancient Egyptian likes to put the image of Pharaoh and their known letters).

The children of Israel cried unto the God. So God heard them and raise Moses as a deliverer of these people. When it was the time when God wanted to deliver the children of Israel in the hand of Pharaoh, he called Moses in the back side of the desert where he do his thing as a Shepherd. God ordered Moses to present himself to the Children of Israel and also to Pharaoh but Moses complained and said "I am not eloquent (good in speech)". So God suggested Aaron, his brother as his assistant.
Now, that the children of Israel knew that they were really called by God to deliver them. Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh having these rods in their hand, as a symbol of being a servant (a shepherd) and then as a symbol of authority (power) when God made a miracle out of it. Then they talked to Pharaoh about their purpose, to take Israel out of Egypt and to served their God in the wilderness.
And Pharaoh said, "Shew a miracle for you".
And then Aaron throw his rod in front of Pharaoh and it became a serpent. THAT IS THE STORY OF THE ROD OF AARON BECOME A SERPENT.

Servant - They first learned to become the lowest of all occupation being a servant as a shepherd before they attain the position of Leadership
Authority (Power) - When God touches whatever you have it becomes a powerful tool you can use to show the world of God's power in your life.

The serpent was the first animal used by Satan when he deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden. A lot of comment and speculations were written that the actual serpent used by Satan was not the serpent Pharaoh, Moses and Aaron saw. They said that this type of the first serpent was beautiful, charming, some said that the serpent have wings. I don't know if it's true but probably. God cursed the serpent because he deceived the woman. The curse was, "You will crawl in your belly all the days of your life." In this scenario, God showed to Moses, Aaron and Pharaoh that even this deadliest animal God is in control of the enemy of mankind, Satan. Satan was created. He was not omnipotent, omnipresent and all knowing God is because he is the God of the universe. He is not affected by time, space and matter and especially he can't be under his creation.

Egypt was symbolized as the things of world. Every time a servant of God goes to ancient Egypt it mostly said in the scripture as "GOING DOWN TO EGYPT." This set an example that once you choose the things of this world (the thing that please the world but not God) over the things that please God you will always go down in all sides of your life. Be it in family, finances, relationship and etc all will go down. That's the symbol of ancient Egypt.
The Rod of Aaron becomes a testimony and the evidence that's still exist right now, it's place in the ARK OF THE COVENANT which until now is still hidden. Moses, Aaron and Pharaoh were true people that exist in the past living a life in the ancient and especially God was true in the past and he is true now and he will be true in the future.
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